Dental Extractions at Dr Sajan’s Victoria BC Dental Clinic
Dental extractions are an appointment we aim to avoid, but are valuable in maintaining the oral health of our patients. A dental extraction is a procedure in which a tooth is removed from its socket in the jaw bone. The most common reason for dental extraction is that the tooth is severely decayed or damaged and cannot be repaired. Other reasons for extractions include crowded teeth, gum disease, infection, or tooth impaction (when a tooth cannot fully emerge from the gums). The procedure is usually performed under local anesthesia (to numb the area around the tooth), although in some cases, nitrous oxide or minimal oral sedation may be used.
It is generally recommended that a tooth extraction only if; it is causing pain, swelling or infection, if the tooth is damaged to the point that it cannot be repaired, if the tooth is blocking other teeth from coming in, or if there is not enough space in the jaw for all the teeth to fit properly. Your dentist may also recommend tooth extraction as a preventative measure if there is a risk of disease or infection. It is also important to note that tooth extraction is not always the only option, and the dentist or oral surgeon may recommend alternative options such as a root canal or a dental crown.
It is usually recommended to have a bone graft placed once a tooth is removed. Placing a bone graft reduces the chance of bone loss in the area where the tooth was removed. This will reduce the chances of the recession on adjacent teeth, and maintain a sufficient level of bone so that a prosthesis (implant, bridge or denture) can be fabricated.
Frequently Asked Questions
Am I a candidate for a dental extraction?
A dentist or oral surgeon can determine if you are a candidate for extraction after thoroughly examining your teeth, gums, and jaw. Some of the factors they will consider include the condition of the tooth in question, the position of the tooth, the health of the surrounding teeth and gums, and any underlying health conditions they may have.
What should I expect during my dental extraction?
The procedure begins with the administration of anesthesia. Once the area is numb, the dentist will use special instruments to loosen the tooth and remove it using forceps. Sometimes, the tooth may be broken into smaller pieces before removal to make the procedure easier. After removing the tooth, the socket will be cleaned, a bone graft will be placed, and then the site will be covered with gauze to help stop bleeding.
What type of post-treatment care is required after dental extraction?
The patient will be given instructions on caring for the extraction site and managing any pain or discomfort. It is normal for some bleeding, swelling and pain to occur after the procedure, but it usually subsides after a few days.
1175 Douglas St
Suite 306
Victoria, BC